Tauranga Eastern Link, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand
The Tauranga Eastern Link project is a section of State Highway 2 stretching 21km – from Te Maunga, to the SH2/SH33 roundabout near Paengaroa. The project involved the construction of a 21km-long, four lane, median-divided highway and required:
- Refurbishing and widening of the existing 5.8km highway from Te Maunga to the Domain Road intersection
- Construction of a new 15.5km highway from Domain Road to Paengaroa
- Development of three intersections
- Building of seven bridges, including the Kaituna River bridge, which is 186m in length
- Approximately 550,000 square metres of new road
We supported this complex project through the manufacture and delivery of 42,000m3 of Koolfoam Geofoam over an 11-month period, without any compromise to the delivery of our standard expanded polystyrene requirements.
At Koolfoam, we have the quality solutions and expertise
you can rely on to get the job done right.
For all enquiries, please email info@koolfoam.co.nz or phone (09) 279 9611